Open Letter from Tete to Tango Dancers Around the World
> Buenos Aires, December 01, 2008
> On the National Day of Tango December 11 I would like to address
myself with
> all due respect and affection to those around the world who have in
some way
> or other learned to love tango as much as we do. I would like you
to dance
> better, for your own satisfaction but within the music that is so
> passionate.
> The tango is a feeling. It is not difficult to learn. Nor is it
easy. But
> it is not danced by figures and steps. It is danced to the music.
I know
> of no dancer anywhere in the world who dances without music. You
cannot be
> mistaken for so long. Dancing without music, you will never learn
> You choose your teachers and invite those from whom you want to
learn. You
> deal with the issues of tango from another point of view, and I'm
going to
> tell you why. Because tango is and always will be music and
learning how to
> walk it, to listen to it, to feel it=85because it becomes a part of
you that
> you cannot detach. After that, each person, each dancer learns his
or her
> own style. Men and women.
> Enough of lies. Don't buy repetitive forms. If you want to buy
tango, buy
> tango.
> Why don't you enjoy the milongas of Buenos Aires much? Because the
> milongueros and milongueras really dance. They were the ones who
taught the
> current generation how to dance.
> However, the path you are on seems to be another, one with a different
> tango, a tango in disguise. For the sake of tango, and for the
sake of all
> of us and with my heart in my hand I say to you: Dance the music.
> the music is the tango.
> I take my leave of you with much love.
> Dance well, have a good journey,
> My companion and I,
> Tete and Silvia